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Community Kinder Excursion Consent Form Term 2 2024

Date/s 2024 (Proposed destinations STC):

  • WOMBAT Friday 19th of July (Hastings Foreshore)

  • PLATYPUS Tuesday 30th July (Hastings Foreshore)

  • WOMBAT Friday 16th August (St Mary's Primary School)

  • BOTH Friday 23rd August (Library- National Book Week)

  • PLATYPUS Tuesday 27th (St Mary's Primary School)

Educational purpose: Excursions and regular outings are an important part of our educational program, providing opportunities for the children to build connections with the local community and contributing to their sense of belonging and connection with the world around them. They also enable children opportunities to build knowledge and awareness around road safety for pedestrians.

Proposed activities: Visits to local community areas increasing community engagement & interaction.

Proposed destination addresses:

  • Hastings Library -  7 High Street, Hastings VIC 3915

  • St Mary's Primary School - 69 Marine Parade, Hastings VIC 3915

  • Fred Smith Foreshore Reserve- 91 Marine Parade, Hastings VIC 3915, Australia

Time away from the premises:  Approx. 1.5 hours between the hours of 9:30am and 11:00am

Transport: Children, staff & volunteers will walk for all excursions.

Anticipated adults: 2-3 (child ratio at least 1:8)

Anticipated # of children: 12

Safety: We are committed to ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of children during excursions and regular outings by conducting risk assessments and ensuring authorisations are obtained from families. A risk assessment has been prepared and is available to view at request.  Written policies and procedures for transporting children are also available at the  service.

  • Child behaviour: ‘I understand that in the event of my child’s misbehaviour or behaviour that poses a danger to himself/herself or others during the excursion, he/she may be sent home. I further understand that in such circumstances I will be informed and that any costs associated with his/her return will be my responsibility.’

  • Child illness: I understand that in the event excursion staff determine it is necessary for my child to be sent home early due to illness, any cost associated with his/her return will be my responsibility.’

  • Cancellations or Alterations: ‘I understand that the director or management team may need to cancel or alter excursion arrangements at short notice, for safety reasons or due to circumstances beyond the control of the service, and while they will try to minimise inconvenience or financial losses to parents, these may be unavoidable.

  • Child accident insurance and ambulance cover: Hastings Childcare & Community Kinder does not provide Child accident insurance or ambulance cover. Parents may wish to obtain Child accident insurance from a commercial insurer and/or ambulance cover, depending on their health insurance arrangements and any other personal considerations.

  • Emergency: I understand that every effort will be made to contact me or my emergency contact in the event of an emergency, but in the event that we cannot be reached, I authorize the teacher in charge to act on my behalf and make decisions regarding my child's medical care including ambulance transportation if necessary for my child. I have provided accurate and up-to-date medical information about my child, including any allergies, medical conditions, or special needs. 

  • Car Seats/Booster Seats/Child Restraints: if required to provide forward facing child restraint with an inbuilt harness, or a booster seat, families will provide one that is suitable for their child, meets the rules set out by Vic Roads, The National Child Restraint Laws and the car seat must comply with the Australian/NZ Standard AS/NZS 1754

  • Guardian: A Guardian includes parent of the child and/or a person with parental responsibilities for the child under a decision or court order. Parental responsibility is a term defined under section 61C of the Family Law Act 1975, which means all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which, by law, parents have in relation to children.

  • Authorisation for excursions: A child must not be taken outside an education and care service on an excursion unless written authorisation is given by the child’s parent or other person named in the child’s enrolment record as having authority to authorise the taking of the child outside the education and care premises.


By signing below and submitting this form:

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Hastings Childcare & Community Kinder acknowledges the Traditional Owners & ongoing custodians of the land - the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present & emerging. Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.


Hastings Childcare & Community Kinder is a Child Safe Organisation. We have policies & practices established to protect young children from harm. We are committed to a culture that embraces, values & celebrates diversity. We provide cultural safety & have zero tolerance for racism, discrimination or harassment of any kind.


©2019 Copyright Hastings Childcare Centre. Hastings Childcare & Community Kinder. All rights reserved.

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