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How do I book a tour?To attend a tour your child must first be on our Waitlist. Tours must be booked. Once a tour is booked, guardians are then sent an email to confirm their appointment.
How does the enrolment process work?We’re pleased to accept your enrolment request at any time of the year. This is done by completing our waitlist form, so that we can assess your requirements. Joining the wait list is free of charge. If you’ve joined our wait list, our admin team will reach out to you when a suitable position might be available. They will then formally offer you a place, and guide you through the remaining steps to finalise the enrolment. Families who are made an offer will have 3 days to accept or decline the offer. If no response is received the places may be offered to the next family on the waitlist. A bond is required to secure enrolment for each child and is to be paid on acceptance of the offer. Given that there are usually more families interested in attending Hastings CCK than there are places available, we highly encourage prospective families to register their child on our waitlist as early as possible. You can also increase your chances of receiving a position by being flexible in start date and preferred days. Typically, positions open up around January each year as our 4-year-old kindergarten children transition to Primary School. Siblings of children already enrolled are prioritised.
Do you offer orientation days?We offer 2 orientation half-day sessions for newly enrolled children. These days provide your child the opportunity to gradually adjust and settle in at Hastings Childcare & Community Kinder, ensuring they feel comfortable before they commence their first full day. To book an orientation session you will need to arrange this through the office once you have accepted your offer. This must be arranged prior to your childs first session of care.
How will I know if I have been offered a position?Positions are offered to families on our waitlist formally through our software Xap. You will receive a email from If you can’t see the email please check your junk/spam folders as it might be hiding there. Video instructions on how to accept an offer can be found here
Where am I on the waitlist/when will I be offered a position?We understand that securing a spot for your child is a critical concern for many families. As there are so many variables involved we cannot predict when a family might be offered a place or provide specific information on 'where they are on the list.' Positions typically become available when current families change their schedules, relocate, or their child transitions to the next room or school. When a spot opens up, we prioritise families based on the date they joined our waiting list and then match the available positions based on required days, start date, and the child age.
How can I increase my chances of securing a place for my child?To increase your chances of securing a spot for your child at Hastings CCK, please consider the following tips when filling out your waitlist application: 1. Be flexible with your preferred days of attendance. Indicating a willingness to accept different days can make it easier for us to accommodate your child as spots become available. 2. Accept fewer days initially. By agreeing to a reduced number of days to start with, you can increase your child's likelihood of being enrolled sooner. Additional days can be added as more positions open up. 3. Be flexible with your start date. Positions may open up earlier or later than anticipated. Being open to different starting dates can also help in securing a spot for your child more quickly. If you're not ready to start in the position that is becoming available we can keep your child on the waitlist, but due to the unpredictable nature of enrolments we can’t guarantee when another spot may open up. If you choose to wait, we'll offer the vacant positions to the next person on the list. Once enrolled, you can remain on the waitlist for day swaps or additional days. Additional Tips: - Regularly update your waitlist application to reflect changes in your needs - Respond promptly to position offers to secure your spot
Why does Hastings CCK have a minimum enrolment requirement of 2 days per week?We have a minimum enrolment of 2 days per week. When children attend regularly, they form strong relationships with their peers and educators, settle in more smoothly and build a sense of familiarity and security within our environment. Attending less can be too upsetting and disruptive for children. It also makes it challenging for our teachers to plan a suitable program to support their development. Occasionally, we may offer one day per week enrolment on the condition that the family will accept a second day once available. This ensures our programme can be delivered effectively and your child can fully benefit from our services.
Can my child bring toys from home?We understand that it is natural that children wish to carry familiar toys with them and to show their friends items they consider precious. However, bringing toys from home can create difficult situations. -Children have difficulty sharing a special toy BUT they have an equally difficult time choosing to put it away instead. -Other children may feel upset or anxious when someone else has a special toy and they don’t. -Toys can get lost or damaged. Hence we request that children do NOT bring toys from home into the Service unless it is a special event such as Show & Tell. If a child brings a toy from home, educators will request that the parent takes it with them. Please rest assured that our service is fully equiped with many age appropriate, high quality educational resources and toys.
What times are you open?We are open 7.00am - 6 pm Monday to Friday.
How do I contact the centre?You can contact us by calling 5979 1411 or emailing
What does my child need to bring on their first day?Children need to bring their own bag to the centre each day. Your bag can be kept in your child’s locker/on their hook. We recommend including the below in your child’s bag: Milk / formula and your bottle. We provide cows milk. Any comfort or security items. Water bottle. A change of clothes including socks (we love messy play at HastingsCCK!) Spare underwear (3+ if toilet training) A broad brim hat that can be left at the service A jumper or coat for cooler weather
Do I need to let you know if my child is going to be absent?Yes, if your child is going to be absent for any reason please let us know ASAP by marking them absent on your Xap Smile App. To do this: Select bookings Select the three dots next to the date Select Mark Absent Enter absence reason from the list provided The absence needs to be communicated and recorded to ensure that the government can pay your Child Care Subsidy correctly. You can also notify your absences via emailing or calling us on 5979 1411. Please note- If your child is not in attendance by 11am on the day of their booked session and you have not contacted the office, they will be marked absent for the day with no reason supplied. Video instructions are here:
My child's is unwell do I need to keep them home?Regarding Illness - children who are showing signs or symptoms of being unwell need to be kept at home. To return they need to be well and able to comfortably participate in normal activities. For certain infectious illnesses like Conjunctivitis/Chicken Pox ect there are certain exclusion periods and a GP clearance letter may be require before they can return to care. If your child is not themselves, showing signs and symptoms of being unwell you will be called to collect them. This includes: Fever Vomiting Persistent cough Persistent runny nose or congestion Diarrhea Rash Extreme fatigue Abdominal pain ect If you’re ever in doubt about whether your child should stay at home or not “if you as a parent feel your child is not well in themselves, you know your child best, trust your gut and keep them home.” Always contact your family’s medical professionals if you are ever concerned about the health of your child to get expert advice.
Are you closed on Public Holidays?We are closed on all Victorian Public Holidays.
What happens if my booking day falls on a Public Holiday?If your child is booked to attend on a day that falls on a Public Holiday you are required to pay their normal daily fees for this day. This is to cover staffing costs because educators and teachers, like most employees, are entitled to be paid for public holidays when they would otherwise be at work.
How do I book holiday leave for my child at Hastings CCK, and are there any discounts available?✅ You can request holiday leave and let us know your child is going to be absent by completing this form. Each child is entitled to 2 weeks of 50% discounted holiday leave per financial year. 🚨Please note: The below conditions apply to the 50% holiday leave discount: - A minimum of 1 week notice is required - Must be taken in minimum of 1 week blocks
How can I request to add days to my child’s exisiting booking?✅ You can request to add days to your child's exisiting booking by completing this form. 🚨Please note: Changes are subject to availability. Any changes will be offered formally by email and must be accepted in writing before they are confirmed.
How can I request to swap the days of my child’s exisiting booking?✅ You can request to swap the days of your child's exisiting booking by completing this form. 🚨Please note: Changes are subject to availability. Any changes will be offered formally by email and must be accepted in writing before they are confirmed.
How can I request a casual day?Casual days can be requested on the Xap App. We offer casual sessions based upon availability in your child’s room. We usually require at least 24 hours notice (1 business day) to book a casual day & one/two week notice is preferred. 🚨Please note: At least 1 week notice is required to request a cancellation of a causal sessions otherwise full fees apply. Requested days are not confirmed until they are approved on Xap and entered onto the bookings list. Y our Direct Debit may need to be adjusted to cover the cost of any additional days.
How can I provide notice to reduce the number of days my child is booked?✅ You can provide notice to reduce the number of days of your child's exisiting booking by completing this form. 🚨Please note: A minimum of 3 weeks notice is required to reduce the number of days that your child is enrolled. Any changes will be offered formally by email and must be accepted in writing before they are confirmed. Places may not be available should there be a change of mind.
How can I provide notice to terminate my child's enrolment?✅ You can provide notice to terminate your child's enrolment by completing this form. 🚨Please note: A minimum of 3 weeks notice is required to terminate your child's enrolment. Once terminated places may be offered to the next family on the waitlist and may not be available should there be a change of mind.
How much CCS am I entitled to?Your CCS is calculated using: Your combined family income Your level of ‘activity’ Your family income - Child Care Subsidy percentage Up to $70,015 - 85% More than $70,015 to below $175,015 -Decreasing to 50% $175,015 to below $254,305- 50% $254,305 to below $344,305- Decreasing to 20% $344,305 to below $354,305- 20% $354,305 or more- Nil
How and when do I apply for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?You apply for CCS via your MyGov Account, which is linked to Centrelink. Do this as soon as possible so it's all set up and ready to go for your child’s first day. Don’t wait until you’ve enrolled at our centre. The entire process may take on average between four and six weeks (sometimes longer), and if it’s not set up when you begin care, you may be paying full fees until it’s submitted & approved! For step by step instuctions on how to claim click here.
How do I maintain my Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?All families will need to confirm their details using their Centrelink online account through the myGov website and kept this information up to date. For further information please visit or contact Centrelink on 13 61 50. The government does not consider you entitled to subsidy by virtue of using childcare services - there are a number of steps you are expected to take in order to be eligible for subsidy. It is each family's responsibility to maintain and track their CCS entitlements including their obligations to Centrelink. This may include: Signing a CWA on enrolment & every time there is a change to your child's enrolment Completing an Activity Test in MyGov Confirming the enrolment in MyGov Keeping your child's Immunisation Records up to date Signing your child in AND out If you have not completed all of the above, you may not be considered entitled for CCS and your subsidy can be revoked by Centrelink without notice. There are additional reasons why Centrelink may revoke your subsidy these may include: You dispute or reject your enrolment in MyGov: If you dispute or reject an enrolment in MyGov, Centrelink will take back every single subsidy payment made under that enrolment. If you believe that the enrolment information is incorrect, you should contact our admin team ASAP. Changes in entitlements: If the government believes your entitlements have changed, and that they have previously overpaid subsidy for your child, they will claim back any over payments. Cessation of care: you are not considered eligible for subsidy for non-attendances either side of your first and last attendance under an enrolment. For example, if you enrol your child at a service, and they do not attend the first week of care, you will not receive subsidy for those bookings. If you do not attend your last several bookings before your child's enrolment is ended, you will not receive subsidy for those days either. You will need to pay full fees for those sessions.
How many allowable absences does the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) allocate?Families who are eligible for CCS are allocated 42 allowable absence days, which include public holidays, per child each financial year. These absence days can be for any reason and do not require proof of absence. Additional absences Absences after the 42 allowable absences have been used will be charged at full fee unless you are approved for additional absences and provide supporting evidence via email within 24 hours.
How do I confirm my enrolment with CCS?If you’ve submitted a claim for Child Care Subsidy, once we enrol you at our service you then need to confirm your child’s enrolment details. This will appear as an outstanding task in your Centrelink online account in myGov. Centrelink can only pay your Child Care Subsidy after you’ve confirmed these details. For step by step intructions click here.
How can I track my extra absences?You can track your absences in the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. Select your child’s name from the Child Care Subsidy menu option, then Absences.You can also check using your Centrelink online account through myGov. Select Child Care from the My Family menu option, then Absences.
Will Child Care Subsidy be paid during my notice period?In order to receive all CCS payments for the notice period, your child will need to attend their last booked day. Centrelink will only make CCS payments up until the last physically attended day (*unless you have an approved reason and any required evidence). If your child does not attend their last booked day, you will not receive payments for this day and any absences leading up to this day & will need to pay full fees for these days. For more information see here:
How do I activate & access my Xap account?After we enrol your child, you will receive an automatic email from our software Xap. Sometimes this can go to your junk email so if you can't see it please check there & mark as a safe sender. To activate your account click the 'Create your password' button. For step by step instuctions click here. Once you've created a password you can access your account by both the Xap Smile App and the Xap Portal online. To download the Xap Smile - For Guardians App onto your phone please follow the links below: Apple Devices click here Google Devices click here To log into the Xap Portal online from a computer click here
How do I reset my password?Reset Password via the Xap App Reset Password via the Xap Web Portal instuctions
How do I use Xap to sign my child in and out?We use the ipad at the service foyer to allow parents to conveniently sign their children in and out. This is done via the Xap Kiosk. To do this you use your mobile number and a 4 digit pin (Kiosk Code). Step by step instuctions are below: How to change/set up your Kiosk Pin Code via the web portal How to change/set up your Kiosk Pin code via the Xap App Signing your child in & out of Kiosk
How do I acknowlege my CWA?When your enrol your child and every time you change their days/booking you must acknowledge the new CWA agreement. This can easily be done via the Xap Smile App. For step by step instuctions click here.
How do I add a nominee?Your child’s enrolment record must identify who is authorised to collect them from the service. To ensure their safety we can only allow them to be collected by a listed, parent, guardian or nominee. If someone new is collecting the child you will need to add this person as an authorised nominee. This person will need to bring photo ID with them such as a drivers licence. For step by step instructions on how to add a nominee via the Xap App click here.
How do I accept the declaration?For step by step instuctions click here.
Under ‘No Jab, No Play’ what documentation is required as evidence of up-to-date vaccination?"In Victoria, the law requires all early childhood services to have the latest immunisation information for all enrolled children. To do this parents/guardians have to provide the service with: a current Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR); AND the statement must show that the child is up to date with all vaccinations that are due for their age, or that they are able to receive. The Immunisation History Statement lists the vaccines the child has received and, if applicable, which vaccines are due in the future and when. Medical exemption may also be listed, where applicable. An Immunisation History Statement is the only type of immunisation record accepted by early childhood education and care services for the purposes of confirming enrolment and must be provided prior to the child starting at the service. (we can no longer accept the green booklets or any other form of evidence). The Medicare logo and Australian Government crest must be present and identifiable to be considered a valid Immunisation History Statement .
After enrolment is confirmed, do I need to provide a new immunisation history statement to the service whenever my child receives a new vaccination?"Yes. Under the No Jab No Play legislation, parents are required to provide services with an Immunisation History Statement showing that their child's immunisations are up to date. This obligation continues after enrolment. When children receive a vaccine, or miss a due vaccine while attending an early childhood service, their immunisation status changes. When this happens, parents/carers need to provide the service with a new Immunisation History Statement that reflects the child's new immunisation status.
How can I my child's Immunisation History Statement?• online – through MyGov • Medicare Express Plus App • over the counter – at a Medicare Service Centre • by phone – call the Australian Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 • by asking your GP/immunisation nurse if they can print the statement (note, not all immunisation providers can do this). You can download a PDF a copy of your child’s Immunisation History Statement from your myGov account. This can then easily be emailed to us at Step by step instuctions can be found here: If you have difficulty getting a copy via your myGov account you can: call the AIR on phone 1800 653 809 or visit a Medicare or Centrelink office. Families who do not hold a Medicare card must call the AIR to request an Immunisation History Statement. A Translating and Interpreting Service is available by calling 131 450, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:45pm.
What if my child has a medical condition?When a child who has a diagnosed health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition (including asthma, diabetes or a diagnosis that a child is at risk of anaphylaxis) is enrolled at an education and care service additional requirements must be met to ensure that the child’s safety, health and wellbeing is protected. A number of issues must be considered and critical, key requirements must be in place before the child commences attending the service, with several aspects requiring consideration: Has the child got a written medical diagnosis from a registered medical practitioner? Has the child’s parent provided a medical management plan for the child? Has a risk minimisation plan been developed in consultation with the parents of the child? Will it be necessary to adjust any of the usual practices of the service in order to be fully inclusive of the child? Please speak to our admin team or service Director upon enrolment or if you child is diagnosed with a health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition while in care so we can assist you with this process. PLEASE NOTE If a child has a food preference or dietary restriction, for example not drinking cow’s milk as the parents do not want them to, this would not be considered a diagnosed health care need. Instead, this information would be included in the child enrolment record (regulation 160) in accordance with the health information to be kept in the enrolment record (regulation 162).
What if my child has allergies, asthma or anaphylaxis?We must ensure that the medical needs of all children are managed safely. Action Plan All parents of children with known medical conditions attending the service must provide an Action Plan completed and signed by their child’s doctor or nurse practitioner. This document should be provided in full colour. Please see these attached below. We ask that this is provided 1 week before your child's first day to allow us the time needed to write up a risk minimisation plan and communication plan which will then be signed by yourself and communicated to all staff. It will also allow our chef to review the menu and plan accordingly if required. The medical conditions list can then be updated and a copy of the action plan displayed in a prominent position in your child's room. Details about the Allergy/Asthma/Anaphylaxis for Risk Minimisation Plan To assist us in developing a risk minimisation plan to meet the needs of your child please also provide the following information outlined in the form below.
What if my child requires medication while in care?Administering medication is considered a high-risk practice. To ensure the safety of all children in care there are strict policies in place. A completed medication record form must be returned from a parent or guardian prior to medication being administered. As per the national regulations (92, 93 & 95) medication (including prescription, over-the-counter medications) can only be administered if: is specified on the medication record form the medication has been prescribed by a registered medical practitioner (for prescription medication)) is from its original container has the original label with the name of the child to whom the medication is to be administered is before the expiry or use by date Medicine is to given directly to an educator or office member so it can be placed in the correct storage area. Medication IS NOT to be sent in the child's bag. If the child requires medication over several days or ongoing we request that it is left at the service for the time required. Medication required for more 7 days (or longer than the recommended timeframe) MUST have a letter from the treating doctor outlining its purpose, dose, frequency & indication. The form can be found by clicking here or can be obtained as a hard copy from the office. *For medical conditions see 'What if my child has a medical condition?' We cannot store or administer painkillers such as aspirin and paracetamol as a standard first aid strategy as they can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury allow a child to take their first dose of a new medication at childcare/kindergarten in case of an allergic reaction. This should be done under the supervision of the parent or carer, or health practitioner. *Note: Only in an emergency situation could this requirement be varied
What if there is a change to your child's medical condition including Allergy/Asthma/Anaphylaxis?Guardians must inform the service in writing via email of any changes to the medical condition and how these changes will be managed. If there is a change to your child's medical condition a new Action Plan must be provided to the service. If there is no change in the child’s medical condition the plan should be updated by the date specified by the child’s doctor or nurse practitioner on the current plan, usually every 12-18 months when they are reviewed by their doctor. If a child has had medical confirmation that they no longer have the listed medical condition requiring the Action Plan, their treating doctor should provide a letter confirming that the child no longer has this medical condition.
What age can my child start Kinder?Children usually attend a kindergarten program in the two years leading up to their transition to beginning school. They must turn five years old by the 30th of April in the year they start school. To attend 3 year old Kindergarten your child must be 3 years of age on or before April 30th in the year they wish to start. To attend 4 year old Kindergarten your child must be 4 years of age on or before April 30th in the year they wish to start. Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start at Three-Year-Old Kinder. These children can start in the same year they turn three, or in the year they turn four years of age. If this is relevant to your child please speak to our Kindergarten teacher about the best time for your child to start at Three-Year-Old Kinder. When your child starts at kindergarten directly relates to the age they will start at primary school. Speak to our team about the best time for your child to start at Three-Year-Old Kindergarten For example, if your child is born on 14/04/2020 they have two options:
When do the Kindergarten sessions run?Our Kindergarten programs run within the long day care service making it more flexible & accessible to all families. This means your child can attend Kinder within their normal day of care.
When should I enrol? We pride ourselves on being a small service meaning class sizes are limited. This means there are usually more families interested in attending HCCK than there are places available. Any child wishing to enrol in our kindergarten program must be registered. We encourage you to register the year prior to your child commencing the program. Kindergarten registrations for 2025 open on Monday, 1 March 2024 The 'on-time' registration period closes on Sunday, 21 July 2024 Registrations submitted after this date will be considered 'late' and will be processed after all 'on-time' registrations have been actioned. In some cases you may be able to enrol your child throughout the year however we strongly recommend enrolling as soon as possible. Key dates can be found below:
What is the difference between an integrated kindergarten program and a sessional kindergarten program?Essentially, the only differences between an integrated (long day care) program and a sessional program are the hours offered and the available days. Sessional kinder programs will only operate during school terms whereas integrated kinder programs also offer care and education in the school holiday periods. This means your child gets more time with qualified Kindergarten teachers in an integrated long day care program. In comparison, Sessional kinders usually run for 3-5 hour sessions & have strict drop off and pick up times. (eg 9am-12pm or 8am-1pm). This can be difficult for busy families & means less learning time for your child with their teachers & peers. We suggest that families decide on which type of kindergarten program best suits their family’s needs and individual circumstances. The benefits of our integrated program is that it follows on from previous education and care programs at the service. Our educators & teachers already know your child; this means we know their strengths, interests, and learning styles – making it easier for them to tailor a program that meets their individual needs. Your child will have already formed secure relationships with familiar educators/teachers and their learning journey can continue with us from birth right up until they go to school. Your child may have already formed friendships that will continue into their kinder experience. You can choose what works best for your family and children – the kindergarten programs themselves are the same. Our Kindergarten programs are led by a qualified early childhood teacher and offer a play-based learning program. Our program has the Victorian Governments tick of approval. Our kinder programs are developed based on your child’s interests, strengths, goals and learning needs. All Kindergarten programs including ours use the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework to guide learning outcomes, which is the curriculum for the early years of learning.
Is my child ready or might they benefit from another year of 4yo Kinder?Social and emotional developmental maturity is the best indicator of school readiness. Children should enter school ready to flourish and learn, rather than simply cope. Skills like being able to follow directions, negotiate with peers and overcome challenges are important and may be the priority at this stage. In certain circumstances a second year of funded kindergarten may be considered. It is important to see your Maternal and Child Health (MCH) nurse in the year before school to assess your child’s development. Many children will have had the 3.5 MCH key ages and stages visit prior to starting 4-year-old kindergarten in the year before school. Your MCH nurse may complete a Brigance assessment as part of their assessment to determine school readiness.If you have concerns around your child’s development, speak to your child’s kindergarten teacher. Our Kindergarten teachers have a degree in child development and are skilled at assessing children’s school readiness. Often, when there are concerns, when children have two or more areas of developmental delay, and the kindergarten teacher believes the child will benefit from another year of kindergarten, a second funded year of kindergarten can be applied for. Children who turn six years of age while attending a kindergarten program must have an exemption from school granted by the Department of Education and Training. Please arrange to speak to our teachers if you have any concerns.
Will the Free Kinder fee offset be applied before or after CCS (Child Care Subsidy)?To maximise the financial benefit for families, the Free Kinder offset to fees will be applied after CCS has been applied.
What is it?For eligible children enrolled in our integrated kindergarten programs you will receive a kinder subsidy that will offset some of your out-of-pocket fees, this will be applied directly to your account in instalments over the year. The amount of subsidy you receive depends on how many days your child attends, in 2025 for children attending 3 or more days this amount is $2101 over the year. If a child is enrolled for fewer days the funding will be adjusted proportionally. Free Kinder, along with all kindergarten funding, is only provided at the service where a child is accessing their funded kindergarten place. Please note: The exact funding amounts are subject to change as stipulated by the Victorian Government each year.
Who is eligible?All children enrolled in a funded kindergarten program at our service are eligible for the'Free' Kinder fee subsidy to offset some of the kindergarten program component of your out-of-pocket fees.
How will I receive my Free Kinder payment?Free Kinder payments are made by the Victorian Government to our service, not to families. We will directly offset the “Free” Kinder payment from your weekly fees and you will be able to see the offset amount on your invoice statements as a fee reduction. Payment schedule Payments will be paid weekly accross 47 weeks.
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